WTS is trade search tool (as of 0.1) that aims to allow Path of Exile players to have an in-game items search tool. It features searching by search terms (or keywords) like "50life 60res 4L boots".

It monitors the Path of Exile client log file for commands typed in-game and uses AHK to display an On-Screen Display (OSD). Commands can be extended or modified via .txt files in keywords directory.


  1. search or s {search terms} - runs a search given search terms.
  2. searchend or se - closes the search result window and clears out results.
  3. n - next page
  4. p - prev page
  5. 0,1,2..n - generate WTB message for item #n and copy to clipboard
  6. reload - reloads all configuration files (very useful when updating keywords text files)
  7. sort* - sort current results (see keywords/sort.txt)
  8. view{n} - view all stats for item #n
  9. searchexit or sexit - stops WTS. You'll need to run run.bat again to execute commands.




How to Install/Run

To run WTS, you'll need:

  1. Java installed. Go to https://www.java.com/ to download the latest version of Java.
  2. AHK installed. Go to http://ahkscript.org/ to download the latest version of AutoHotkey.
  3. Configure your config.properties file: a. poelogpath - path to your Path of Exile Client.txt file b. ahkpath - path to your AutoHotKey executable
  4. Run via run.bat

Support this project!

If like this tool, you can help me buy upgrades to my computer (I'm using a low-end core i3 3220 and 18" monitor). Appreciate it!


WTS is 100% free and open source licensed under GPLv2 Created by: /u/ProFalseIdol IGN: ManicCompression WTS is fan made tool and is not affiliated with Grinding Gear Games in any way.